We offer two forms of microneedling services: Collagen Induction Therapy and Restoration Therapy Microneedling Facials.
Collagen Induction Therapy
Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), also known as needling, is minimally-invasive treatment used to reduce fine lines, improve your skin texture, smooth wrinkles, and soften scars. It can be a safe and effective for most skin types.
Why Micro-needling?
Collagen Induction Therapy can effectively treat wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars with minimal downtime. The treatment may provide little to no pain and can be safely repeated for better results. Collagen Induction Therapy may be far more “skin friendly” than laser resurfacing or microdermabrasion treatments.
What can you expect?
Our licensed, professional skin specialists will apply a topical numbing cream and then use a needling pen with very fine needles to create microscopic channels into the dermis of your skin. This will stimulate your own body to produce new collagen and allow greater absorption of creams, peptides and growth factors.
Collagen Induction Therapy Microneedling Facials
The evolution of skincare and technology is constantly evolving, and at the forefront of the revolution are Collagen Induction Therapy Microneedling Facials treatments. If you’ve been looking for that amazing non-invasive procedure to increase collagen production and help you revive that fabulous complexion, this treatment is the perfect solution!
Some individuals will need as little as two sessions to address more minor skin conditions, while others will need upwards of five to see results for more permanent skin conditions. During your consultation, we can advise you on an accurate plan for your skin’s success.
How do Collagen Induction Therapy Microneedling Facials work?
Microneedling is exactly what it sounds like, except without any pain. The procedure involves the insertion of tiny, sterilized needles into the skin to boost collagen production. Through this treatment, your skin’s response is to heal, and these microneedles help trigger faster blood flow to your complexion. Almost immediately, you will be able to see noticeable results while resting assured that you’re in the most experienced hands for the job!
What skin conditions can CIT Microneedling Facials help with?
Collagen Induction Therapy Microneedling can help your skin’s overall texture and help you get back that glowing youthful skin. They can help with wrinkles, loose skin, acne scarring, discoloration, large pores, fine lines, stretch marks, and hyperpigmentation.
Collagen Induction Therapy Microneedling Facials are the closest thing that we have to the Fountain of Youth. When you feel like your skin needs that extra boost, turn to our treatments that can give you that confidence you deserve. You’re on your way to soft and supple skin – all you need to do is book your appointment today!