Nutritional Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

The Elements takes a holistic approach to treating inner and outer health. We utilize the ITG Diet Plan which is an easy to follow, 3-step nutrition program designed to get you into a light state of ketosis quickly and efficiently. By utilizing higher protein meal replacements along with whole foods and supplements each day, you will finally achieve the results you so richly deserve!

It’s all about science! The ITG Diet Plan isn’t just another yo-yo diet plan with no end in sight for you. Our experienced team of coaches provide you with the necessary training to educate you on how the foods you eat react in your body, causing you to retain or lose weight.

ITG Diet has one focus… to help people get healthy by controlling their weight. We don’t use gimmicks and fads. We don’t tell people they can eat cookies or special juice or take drugs or to sprinkle dust on their food. Quick fix programs just don’t work in the long term.

Weight control is an intimate issue for most of us. We all have unique metabolisms, we all have our own tastes in foods, we all have our own activity level and we’re all subjected to a lot of hype in the marketplace. At The Elements, we skip the hype and get down to the science behind the ITG diet.

We won’t give you false hopes and we won’t sell you any magic products. We’ll give you the tools, we’ll coach you, we’ll work with your special circumstances and we’ll show you how to lose your weight for good and then stay healthy. And all of this is backed up with science, not hype.


Semaglutide Weight Loss Therapy in Jacksonville, FL


Women’s Sexual Health in Jacksonville, FL